Sunday, April 09, 2006

A Change

I figured I needed to spruce up the blog a little. The old one wasn't as inspiring anymore. Unfortunately in doing so I had to redo all the changes I had made to the old one as well as putting in all my links again. Ugh. So yea, this is my new home for now.

Anyway, as my few readers are aware, I haven't had the best past two weeks. It was one of those things that can either make or break you. My boss, who is aware of what happened, said it's something that can make you feel empty inside(since he has experienced this as well), but I responded with "Actually it's brought me a lot of clarity".

My friend, Laura, posted this in her blog recently. And it pretty much sums up what I have been experiencing the past two weeks.

Although no one really truly understands what I have been through (just because they haven't experienced it themselves), I feel I was given the gift of seeing how truly blessed I am with the friends and family I have. When everything happened in just a few days, I had my family immediately by my side as well as friends calling me and sending me flowers. Although it didn't take the pain and shock away, it did help me stay positive. My friends have helped me laugh and enjoy my life, even through some of the saddest points.

I also realized just how lucky I am to have a husband as amazing, strong, and wonderful as Mr. Ellis. Even though he is experiencing this difficult time with me, he has supported me and carried me in an effort so I never have to feel pain. Although he's a quiet spirit sometimes, his feeling and love are deeper than any I have experienced.

If anything, all this "stuff" has humbled me to the point that I now realize I will have to forever work hard to deserve these people in my life.


Lisa said...

aw.. sniffle!
you've had a good attitude about the whole thing, and I think thats really important. and i'm glad i get a chance to be there for you after everything you've done for me :)
and we love mr. ellis too!

Laura said...

I agree, "Heidi", that you have shown amazing strength and faith!!

Laura said...

PS. That time was the psycho-ex period... you were one of the people who I met, who made me laugh and "rediscover" who I was... (that's so cheesy I can't believe I wrote it, but it's true:)