Tuesday, October 02, 2007

And then I saw this...

I was holding Madeleine on my screened in porch yesterday because she likes being outside and looking around. So I'm walking around with her and then I saw this:

Don't see it? Here's a closer look:

A praying mantis. I said "Oh Holy Mother of God" and quickly went inside. Having a fear of all things buggy, when I first saw this I immediately imagined it jumping 20 feet from where it was and pecking my eyes out. Even though it's not a bird and hence would not be able to peck....


Owen said...

It might! You never know WHAT it is capable of!!

Jen Vogelsong said...

I like praying mantises. They used to tell us they're endangered. They look scary but, like daddy long legs, are harmless. Whatever you do, don't kill it!