Friday, December 09, 2005

Numbers Meme

Saw this surfing the net. I was bored so I thought I would do it. Hope some of my friends choose to do it as well. I would love to read their answers.

The Numbers Meme

TEN random things you might not know about me:

  1. I get annoyed when the cashier bags my stuff before running my credit card.
  2. I am allergic to dogs.
  3. I have tactile issues.
  4. I always smell something before I taste it.
  5. I would love to have a breast reduction.
  6. I sleep in the nude.
  7. I am against capital punishment.
  8. One of my favorite smells is a wood stove.
  9. I talk to myself sometimes when I'm in the shower.
  10. I think David Letterman is sexy.

NINE places I’ve visited:

  1. Ground Zero, New York
  2. Disney World
  3. Antigua
  4. Seattle, Washington
  5. Many places in New Brunswick, Cananda
  6. Quebec City
  7. Montreal
  8. Toronto
  9. Las Vegas

EIGHT ways to win my heart:

  1. Be very witty
  2. Be very candid
  3. Be honest and sincere
  4. Be enthusiastic
  5. Love drinking coffee and coffeeshops
  6. Love lying around and talking
  7. Make me feel like a princess
  8. Sing, play a musical instrument, or write

SEVEN things I want to do before I die:

  1. Visit Australia
  2. Have two children
  3. Give my parents grandchildren before they die
  4. Live in another country
  5. Meet someone famous
  6. Make a difference in someone's life
  7. Take time off from my life to do something for charity

SIX things I’m afraid of:

  1. Bees
  2. Things that feel weird
  3. Heights
  4. Getting in a car accident
  5. Losing my husband
  6. The world never finding peace

FIVE things I don't like:

  1. Peanuts
  2. Guns
  3. War
  4. Lindsey Lohan
  5. Britney Spears

FOUR ways to turn me off:

  1. Be completely self centered
  2. Laugh at those less fortunate
  3. Drink and drive
  4. Smell really awful

THREE Things I do every day:

  1. Surf on the net
  2. Drink coffee
  3. Knit

TWO things that make me happy:

  1. My husband
  2. My cats

ONE thing on my mind right now: Will anyone actually read this?

1 comment:

Laura said...

Very fun. I'm working on my anwsers now