Wednesday, October 18, 2006

What I've been doing for the past 6 months...

Right. So as usual I haven't posted in a while, but I guess that's my style.

Is what has taken up the past 6 months.

No I'm just kidding. It's something I did in 2 days last week. It's a cute little baby bunny hat for my friend, Lisa. I would have modeled it on a cute little kid, but since I don't have one handy, my skein of pink yarn volunteered for the job. And did mightily well, I must say.

I do pretty well on the whole creativity thing and knitting stuff, but I always seem to have trouble actually getting this thing sent off. Don't worry, Lisa, I promise this will be in your possession before Studs is born. Or at least by the time he's 3 months old since that's what the size is.

I also figured I'd include a less than attractive picture of myself and friends at the ultimate beer fest we attended in North Carolina. It's a pretty wonky angle because Mr. Ellis used his go-go-gadget arms to take the picture.
And yea, that's about it for now. I figure the people who need to know what I've been doing the past 6 months already know, and all others reading this blog don't need to be privy to that information. Hence the title of the blog! Peace out!


Lisa said...

OMG. that is SO FRICKING CUTE i just might die. studs is going to be the most stylin' baby in NC.

Anonymous said...

(A visitor via Lisa) Just wondering if you had heard about the magazine 'Craft'? It's by the people who did 'Make' which is for geeks who want to make a helmet-mounted water cannon (which I wish I could) but it's for crafty people which I see that you are. Check out or it should be on newstands soon.