Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Hello! Guilty Pleasures!

Ok, so I'm really not addicted to the tv, but I decided to record "Tuesday Night Book Club" on ABC. And I just watched. Oh my God! This is gonna be one of those sinful guilty pleasures. It's Laguna Beach (which I hate) meets Desperate Housewives meets Sex in the City meets people in their 30s and not teenagers! Yippee skippee!

Someone please tell me you watched it too! And if not, well for God's sake watch it next Tuesday!

Oh and by the way, I have a book club, (well had a book club since it's been defunct for about a year) and when I first started watching this show I was thinking "Our book club is NOTHING like this!". Then the more I thought about it, we probably would spend about a half hour talking about the book and then the rest talking about our lives and such. I don't know if we're quite as scandalous as these ladies, but we do share a lot (Hello Laura!)

1 comment:

Laura said...

Sounds good... I won't be able to watch it unfortunately! I want our book club to start again:)