Monday, December 10, 2007


Madeleine finally likes her sling. I think it's because she can sit up in it unlike before where she had to be in a cradle-like position (never a favorite of hers). So when she gets fussy I just slip her in there and do things around the house.

Only bad thing is she won't let me sit down with it.


Jen Vogelsong said...

What a cute little bundle!

I'm coming to Boston March 14-16 for a journalism conference. I hope I can see the MG family, including the newest member!

Anonymous said...

hi! did you see that there is a meetup mommies' group in your area? i love the ones near me! donnah

Melissa Greenfield said...

Ha! Yea I'm an assistant organizer of one! In fact I just had a play date at my house today. Hooray for meetup!