Sunday, September 23, 2007

Let me show you my crib!

So poor baby Madeleine has had a tough go of it since about two weeks old. She's had thrush for over a month now and we're finally on Diflucan to hopefully clear it up for good. My milk supply has also been very "abundant" which causes her to gag, choke, cry, and have a lot of gas. Because of these two things, she hasn't always slept well, and we eventually started holding her in our bed at night so she could stay asleep.

I've been to my pediatrician about seven times in the last month because of these two things. They also diagnosed her with reflux and she's on medication for that.

But here's the thing, I don't think she has reflux now. I've gone from two doses of medicine to one a day and she's perfectly fine. I actually think we've misdiagnosed my oversupply/forceful letdown that was giving her trouble.

So today, after reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, she's finally taking a nap in her pack 'n play. Something she hasn't done in a long time. Of course, it took me 45 minutes of me sitting with her and patting her and putting her pacifier back in her mouth, but she's finally asleep. We even have a whole color coded excel spread sheet showing her awake and sleep times.

Here's hoping this works and we have a much more rested baby (and rested parents) very soon!


Jen Vogelsong said...

"We even have a whole color coded excel spread sheet showing her awake and sleep times." -- WOW, THAT's INTENSE. I'm guessing this idea came from Madeline's engineer father? :)

Sorry to hear she's been having a tough time. I'm sure it won't last!

Owen said...

Hee :) I think it came from me! You should see MY color coded excel spread sheet!

It worked though!!

SuperGeekKnowItAll said...

I can totally relate to the thrush thing and the many doctor visits. I had the same issue with the twins. Diflucan worked great for me, BTW. It does get easier! I recommend a book called "The No Cry Sleep Solution" - it gave us a lot of good ideas for once the baby gets to be 3 weeks old or so...