Thursday, August 02, 2007

There's an end in sight... kinda.

So my doctor didn't even check me today at my appointment. I guess since I haven't really had any contractions, there was no point in her telling me my cervix was still closed or 1 cm dilated. She did send me for a non-stress test at the hospital though. Basically they hook up two monitors to monitor the baby's heart rate and movement. The point is to see the heart rate rise when it moves.

After about 20 minutes the nurse came in and said she didn't like what she was seeing. She said it could be because I was lying in a slightly reclined position on my back. Me slightly freaking out, the nurse had my roll to my left side. After about ten minutes the baby liked that a lot better and everything was ok. So no induction today.


The induction is set for next Thursday. So there is an end in sight if I don't go into labor. My doctor offered to induce me as soon as Monday, but I stayed strong and said I'd wait until Thursday. For those of you that don't know, the thing with inductions is basically you're making your body go into labor when it isn't ready. So this means the labor is usually much longer, they need to put you on pitocin which creates more intense contractions than normal, and there is a higher chance of having a c-section when you are induced too soon. So since I don't want any of those things, I'll take the chance that my body will go into labor (hopefully) before next Thursday.

Please send me labor vibes or anything else to get things going! This baby needs to come out!

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